
The Deipnosophist

Where the science of investing becomes an art of living

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Location: Summerlin, Nevada, United States

A private investor for 20+ years, I manage private portfolios and write about investing. You can read my market musings on three different sites: 1) The Deipnosophist, dedicated to teaching the market's processes and mechanics; 2) Investment Poetry, a subscription site dedicated to real time investment recommendations; and 3) Seeking Alpha, a combination of the other two sites with a mix of reprints from this site and all-original content. See you here, there, or the other site!

03 February 2006

Today’s Epidemic

"We’ve been bombarded for months by horror stories about a possible pandemic from the Asian bird flu. Each new case, anywhere in the world, receives instant media attention the moment it appears. The bird flu story is dramatic, and potentially fraught with major global implications. But while bird-flu risks are frighteningly real, a separate, silent epidemic is already well underway, and is taking a huge toll. The epidemic promises to get worse before it gets better, no matter what. What is this quiet scourge? ..."
Continue reading here this article worthy of everyone's attention. And whereas I typically would hold this post for the weekend (i.e., later today), I deem the importance of its topic as quite high and relevant; thus, I post it now. As always, I welcome your professional or personal insights and comments.

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